Saturday, May 24, 2008

another DSA Saturday...

Last Saturday we visited NYGH... great school, nice people, nice dorm .. reason to be proud of the NY brand :) Last night we had the DSA roadshow at NYP. Mdm Heng is quite confident that NYP will still have 40% of the top PSLE students even though in recent year we may have missed getting the top. NUS high had an impressive presentation.. one of only three observatories in Singapore. Impressive! Modular programs, self paced, University environment! Incredible campus. Definite dream for the peak performers in Math/Science. We listened to SOTA. I think it's an ambitious plan to have Arts-inclined students study a heavy IB program AND add to it their passion and excel in the Arts. RGS didn't come (is it out of arrogance? tsk tsk... well.. give them the benefit of the doubt.)

Today we visited RGS at their open house. Hmmm .. without question a very very strong program and tradition and great ideals for scholarly learning, community spirit and leadership. Terrific terrific cheers! However, the first talk we heard was titled "Are you ready for RGS?", by the school counsellor, talking about some girls taking 4-5 months to adjust to the pace of the school. No question NYGH and RGS are tops in IP for the girls. Hey any Singaporean can be proud to go into any of these schools.

Heard this story in Mary Poppins on TV: Said a man to his buddy, "Did you hear about the man with a wooden leg called Smith?" His buddy replied, "What the name of his other leg?"

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